Category Archives: covid-19

Hey Christians: It’s Not All About You

Image Credit: Me! 🙂

Christians are programmed to believe that not only is their religion the only “true” religion, but that everyone else is involved in a Satanic plot to destroy Christianity and take over the world (or something like that anyway). For those of us who are not buried in the sour mud of Christian ignorance, it’s often annoying to hear them blathering on and on about how they’re persecuted, abused, slighted and ridiculed. Continue reading

Poisonous Politics And The Pandemic

I’m really getting sick of the BS revolving around the Covid-19 pandemic. Let’s be honest with each other and ourselves for a moment: Yes, the virus is real. No, it’s not some made-up story. And did the Chinese release it intentionally? Maybe, maybe not. That’s for the US intelligence community to decide. What matters to me is that it’s real, it’s here, and it’s hurting people. Continue reading

The Death Of Haley Richardson

On August 20th, 2021 Haley Richardson, a wife, expectant mother and medical professional died from complications of Covid-19 – two days after the death of her unborn daughter. Her daughter was due in November. She had elected not to be vaccinated because she was uncertain as to what effects the shot might have on her baby. She leaves behind a husband and two year-old daughter. I didn’t know Haley. Never heard of her until her death was reported in the news. But the circumstances surrounding her passing struck a nerve with me. Haley and her daughter could be alive right now. Continue reading

Angry White Man

It’s getting so you can’t open your mouth anymore without someone taking offense. Everyone it seems is feeling persecuted. Gays and Christians are fussing over rainbows and flags. Conservatives and Liberals are fighting over just about everything (with Libertarians caught between them). Regular citizens are afraid to walk outside because there are so many street thugs waiting for a chance to cut’em up or shoot’em just to get their wallets. Female athletes are rightfully pissed off because males are getting their peckers chopped off then competing in women’s sports. Continue reading

Jumping The Gun

So the governors of Texas, the state of my birth and Mississippi, my adopted home state have decreed that it’s time to “open up for business.” I hope that goes well but I must admit being a bit skeptical. Both governors apparently think that we’re safe from the pandemic at this point. But no we aren’t. Not even close. The end result will be a new wave of infections and unnecessary deaths that will rightfully be the fault of these two short-sighted men. Continue reading

Overwhelmed In America

As not only an American but just as a human being, I’m shocked and dismayed at the path my nation is traveling. It was bad enough when people just whined and traded lawsuits when they didn’t get their way. But now we’re burning cities and killing people. Protestors turned our capitol into a third world city in early January – because things didn’t go their way. Was there corruption involved in the election? Yes, absolutely. Was the violence justified? No it wasn’t. And now politicians and public figures are pointing fingers of blame at each other when all of them share some some measure of responsibility for the chaos. Continue reading

2020 Hindsight

2020 was as we all know, a wacky and sometimes painful year. We’ve had worse years overall, but not lately. But as we watch 2020 drift away upon the Sea of Bad Memories, let’s take a look at a few of its final slaps in humanity’s collective face. Because you know, some truly silly shit happened in 2020. Continue reading

The Great Human Disconnect Of The 21st Century

AngryBabyMaskMore and more Americans are becoming disconnected from reality. Does anyone recall the USA ever being in such a mess? Violent civil unrest, unwarranted attacks on innocent people, rampant conspiracy theories, looting and rioting and more. We’ve had civil unrest in the past, and not all of it bad. Women, blacks and gays all had to fight for equality in a nation dominated by old white men reluctant to give up their stranglehold on American society. They won, and that’s a good thing. We’re supposed to be a free nation. But… We might be free but we’re certainly not united.
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No, There Wasn’t A Load Of Contaminated Masks

So this guy Steve decided to toss out a hoax about a truckload of contaminated PPE. Supposedly the truck driver died and his whole load of face masks was contaminated with coronavirus. I did some checking and figured out the whole thing is bogus. He literally just made it all up and posted it on Facebook. Not a good thing in current times. I challenged him on it and he got just downright juvenile about it. Anyway, I screen-captured our conversation and edited out other comments so it’s just me and him.
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What A Mess

FloydProtests_01What a mess America is in right now. Between Covid-19, the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and others, high unemployment and whatever Trump and the Democrats are fighting about this week it’s as if the whole country is upside down. One blog post obviously can’t cover it all. But there are a few things I’d like to address. We The People are getting kicked around pretty badly, and sadly a lot of it isn’t Us vs Them. It’s Us vs Us. But that is something we can fix.

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