Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Absurdity, Insanity, Or Both?

I am so tired of American Christians and their self-important nonsense. If they’d actually study their bibles instead of just assuming everything their pastors tell them is true, they’d likely reach the same conclusion that I reached years ago. The Bible is a book of filth, violence, misogyny and vulgarity. And most importantly, there’s little truth to be found within it. One only needs apply bit of common sense to most of the Bible’s stories to see just how impossible they are.

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What’s Next?

All through the Trump presidency, Mr. Trump has been a bit of a loose cannon when it comes to social media. One could make the case that Democrats aside, his own mouth (and by extension his keyboard) is his worst enemy. Has he exaggerated at times? Yes. Lied? Yes. Been truthful at other times? Yes again. But now it’s crumbling down all around him. Twitter and Facebook have muzzled him, and Joe Biden is about to replace him. The latest leg of his lifelong ego trip is coming to an end. Continue reading

Yes, You Can Pray In School


PopeTrumpI keep seeing these bogus memes on Facebook and elsewhere about how we need to put prayer back in public schools. And now President Trump is pandering to Evangelicals by telling them he’ll do just that. This is strictly a political move since an article in Christianity Today portraying him as unfit seems to have damaged his support among true believers.
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Regarding Melania

Melania_03OK, let me first say that I am NOT here to disrespect the First Lady. After a rocky start she has done all anyone has the right to expect of her to gain our respect. But I would like to have a frank discussion about who she is and how she got to where she is today. Not to question whether she should be First Lady, but about who she was before and the metamorphosis she has undergone.
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The Eyes Have It



CortezAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez has got some seriously scary eyes. And I got to wondering how those eyes would look on other famous people. You know, like how years ago a few people were trying out Jimmy Carter’s toothy smile on other presidents. Anyway, I fired up Paint.Net (my graphics editor of choice) and abused a few images of celebrities and politicians with the “Crazy Eyes.”

All the images use the eyes from the photo above.

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America’s Cultural Tug of War

KillTrumpSignThe United States of America is in an awkward and frightening position. Extremists on the left and right are fighting mightily to change the nation according to their individual (and very different) visions of what America should be. The left seeks to turn us into a Socialist utopia. The far right, or at least many of them, seek a Protestant Christian theocracy where the Christian Bible supersedes even our Constitution. The rest of us are essentially the rope in a cultural tug of war. And that tug of war has become violent to a degree not seen in decades. Civility is becoming a thing of the past. Continue reading