Category Archives: Police Brutality

Things We Fight About

Photo Credit: David Erickson (link below post)

As a middle-of-the-road kind of guy, at times I feel like I am surrounded by nut-jobs of every stripe. Far-left, far-right, religious zealots, hateful anti-theists, anarchists, anti-capitalists, etc etc etc. The list is endless. And me? I just wanna get through the day with as little drama as possible. I’ve been an Atheist most of my life, but it wasn’t something I announced to the world. I didn’t become vocal until the Christian right became so determined to inflict their mental poison upon our schools, our legal system, and our culture in general. Continue reading

Angry White Man

It’s getting so you can’t open your mouth anymore without someone taking offense. Everyone it seems is feeling persecuted. Gays and Christians are fussing over rainbows and flags. Conservatives and Liberals are fighting over just about everything (with Libertarians caught between them). Regular citizens are afraid to walk outside because there are so many street thugs waiting for a chance to cut’em up or shoot’em just to get their wallets. Female athletes are rightfully pissed off because males are getting their peckers chopped off then competing in women’s sports. Continue reading

What A Mess

FloydProtests_01What a mess America is in right now. Between Covid-19, the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and others, high unemployment and whatever Trump and the Democrats are fighting about this week it’s as if the whole country is upside down. One blog post obviously can’t cover it all. But there are a few things I’d like to address. We The People are getting kicked around pretty badly, and sadly a lot of it isn’t Us vs Them. It’s Us vs Us. But that is something we can fix.

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