Tag Archives: christian memes

Preaching To A Choir Of One

More and more, I’m seeing memes on social media from Christians about how “God is in control.” And the more out of control the world becomes, the more they insist otherwise. At some point, true believers are going to have to face the truth: No, God isn’t in control because He doesn’t exist. Or if He does exist, they need to fire Him and hire a more competent deity to govern their fate.

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Choosing Hell?

HellDepiction_01Y’all bear with me here, OK? I’m a little bit pissed off and disgusted in the extreme. Grotesque memes like this one are becoming all too common these days. Christians are losing the battle for the minds of the people and they know it. But despicable, threatening images like this one can serve to frighten the gullible into belief “just in case.” The tactic is morally bankrupt and rooted in lies (Christians call it “scripture”).
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