Category Archives: Politics

Whatever Happened To Women’s Rights?

Women are caught in a political tug of war between conservatives who’d take away their reproductive rights, and liberals who apparently think men can be women if they so desire. Women who do not wish to compete against (or share locker rooms with) biological males are called bigots and worse. Never mind the fact that these so-called trans-women are generally bigger and stronger than the women they compete against in track, swimming, wrestling, etc. Real, biological women are not allowed to complain. Whatever happened to the days when Democrats were all about women’s rights? Continue reading

Things That Burn My Ass

Happy Holidays Y’all!
It’s November and here we go again. Every time the holiday season rolls around arrogant, uninformed Christians start insisting that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Here and now, fully a week before Thanksgiving, I’m seeing memes on Facebook about “It’s Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays.” They seem to not notice that there are THREE holidays coming up. Can I not wish you happiness for all three? Or am I supposed to itemize a list? WTF do you people expect?! Continue reading

Things We Fight About

Photo Credit: David Erickson (link below post)

As a middle-of-the-road kind of guy, at times I feel like I am surrounded by nut-jobs of every stripe. Far-left, far-right, religious zealots, hateful anti-theists, anarchists, anti-capitalists, etc etc etc. The list is endless. And me? I just wanna get through the day with as little drama as possible. I’ve been an Atheist most of my life, but it wasn’t something I announced to the world. I didn’t become vocal until the Christian right became so determined to inflict their mental poison upon our schools, our legal system, and our culture in general. Continue reading

Boys Will Be Boys…Until They’re Not


Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions; sex.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

I am amazed at the absurdities I’m seeing from both the Left and the Right. How did humanity get to a point in which gender is a matter of preference? Continue reading

Humanity Is A Failed Species

I make no claims of being a sage or any sort of expert. But based upon what I have observed over the last few decades, I honestly believe humanity is a failed species. We are self-destructing at an amazing rate and that rate appears to be accelerating. It’s only matter of time before nature shrugs its powerful shoulders and we vanish as if we never existed. Why such a negative prognosis? Let’s take a look…

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The Eternal Infernal Gun Debate

UPDATE: There has been a second shooting in Louisville, KY this morning (April 10, 2023).

So yet another mass shooting has happened. This one at a bank in Louisville, KY. This of course comes on the heels of the terrible shooting at Covenant School in Nashville. And once again the anti-gun crowd is demanding more gun control while people like Charlie Kirk try to balance gun violence with personal freedom. Continue reading

Random Observations – January 2023

So I’ve been sitting here in Denny’s for an hour *after* finishing my burger. Surfing the news, FB, IMDB and Reddit. And in the back of my tired mind I’ve been stewing over several bits of unrelated bullshit, upon which I will now expound. Mind you, I’m not proclaiming anything. I’m merely opinionating. Why I expect anyone would care is a mystery even to me. Continue reading

What Are You Willing To Lose?

So it’s election time. Predictably, our politicians and the media are making fools of themselves with outlandish claims and impossible predictions. Each party accuses the other of being the enemy of democracy. Personally, I think both are correct. Regardless of which party wins, we stand to lose in some ways and gain in others. Continue reading

Common Sense Has Become Uncommon

America’s political landscape has become a place of extremes. The common sense middle ground, where answers are found and problems are solved, is a deserted wasteland. Extremists from both sides of the political fence have come to define the political debates while those who seek to actually resolve those debates no longer have a voice in Washington. Continue reading