Tag Archives: Evangelicals

Memo To Evangelicals

Ok y’all I’ll apologize in advance but I got to say this to the Evangelicals who are still out there ranting about the election: Can you please just shut the hell up for awhile? The rest of us are sick of you. We’re exhausted from you. You keep spouting all these ridiculous claims. You keep insisting that somehow Donald Trump will still end up being President for another term. Do you have any sense of reality? Are you so crippled by your perverse beliefs that you cannot see what’s right in front of you? Or are you just plain stupid? Enough already! Save it for the midterms.

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Yes, You Can Pray In School


PopeTrumpI keep seeing these bogus memes on Facebook and elsewhere about how we need to put prayer back in public schools. And now President Trump is pandering to Evangelicals by telling them he’ll do just that. This is strictly a political move since an article in Christianity Today portraying him as unfit seems to have damaged his support among true believers.
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