Category Archives: Hoaxes

Salvation For Sale?

A couple of months ago I grew frustrated with all the “sponsored posts” (ads) on Facebook. I understand they have to have revenue to operate. But it had reached a point where about every fourth post was an ad (this being with the app on my phone). And so I set out to see if there was anything I could do about it. Continue reading

Simpler Times

Does anyone besides me miss the good old days of the Internet? I’m talking about before the Internet became this simultaneously wonderful and hideous thing that we all depend upon while loving and hating it at the same time. It used to be so simple. Now it’s a bloated mess buried in intrusive advertising and spyware, and infested with no-gooders who want to steal everything from my credit card data to my grandchildren. It’s rather like a gigantic city. It’s mostly safe as long as you know what neighborhoods to avoid. But even then the equivalent of digital street gangs slip into the good neighborhoods to steal your stuff when you’re not looking.

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The Great Human Disconnect Of The 21st Century

AngryBabyMaskMore and more Americans are becoming disconnected from reality. Does anyone recall the USA ever being in such a mess? Violent civil unrest, unwarranted attacks on innocent people, rampant conspiracy theories, looting and rioting and more. We’ve had civil unrest in the past, and not all of it bad. Women, blacks and gays all had to fight for equality in a nation dominated by old white men reluctant to give up their stranglehold on American society. They won, and that’s a good thing. We’re supposed to be a free nation. But… We might be free but we’re certainly not united.
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No, There Wasn’t A Load Of Contaminated Masks

So this guy Steve decided to toss out a hoax about a truckload of contaminated PPE. Supposedly the truck driver died and his whole load of face masks was contaminated with coronavirus. I did some checking and figured out the whole thing is bogus. He literally just made it all up and posted it on Facebook. Not a good thing in current times. I challenged him on it and he got just downright juvenile about it. Anyway, I screen-captured our conversation and edited out other comments so it’s just me and him.
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