Monthly Archives: January 2021

Memo To Evangelicals

Ok y’all I’ll apologize in advance but I got to say this to the Evangelicals who are still out there ranting about the election: Can you please just shut the hell up for awhile? The rest of us are sick of you. We’re exhausted from you. You keep spouting all these ridiculous claims. You keep insisting that somehow Donald Trump will still end up being President for another term. Do you have any sense of reality? Are you so crippled by your perverse beliefs that you cannot see what’s right in front of you? Or are you just plain stupid? Enough already! Save it for the midterms.

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What’s Next?

All through the Trump presidency, Mr. Trump has been a bit of a loose cannon when it comes to social media. One could make the case that Democrats aside, his own mouth (and by extension his keyboard) is his worst enemy. Has he exaggerated at times? Yes. Lied? Yes. Been truthful at other times? Yes again. But now it’s crumbling down all around him. Twitter and Facebook have muzzled him, and Joe Biden is about to replace him. The latest leg of his lifelong ego trip is coming to an end. Continue reading

Overwhelmed In America

As not only an American but just as a human being, I’m shocked and dismayed at the path my nation is traveling. It was bad enough when people just whined and traded lawsuits when they didn’t get their way. But now we’re burning cities and killing people. Protestors turned our capitol into a third world city in early January – because things didn’t go their way. Was there corruption involved in the election? Yes, absolutely. Was the violence justified? No it wasn’t. And now politicians and public figures are pointing fingers of blame at each other when all of them share some some measure of responsibility for the chaos. Continue reading

2020 Hindsight

2020 was as we all know, a wacky and sometimes painful year. We’ve had worse years overall, but not lately. But as we watch 2020 drift away upon the Sea of Bad Memories, let’s take a look at a few of its final slaps in humanity’s collective face. Because you know, some truly silly shit happened in 2020. Continue reading