Category Archives: School Shootings

Humanity Is A Failed Species

I make no claims of being a sage or any sort of expert. But based upon what I have observed over the last few decades, I honestly believe humanity is a failed species. We are self-destructing at an amazing rate and that rate appears to be accelerating. It’s only matter of time before nature shrugs its powerful shoulders and we vanish as if we never existed. Why such a negative prognosis? Let’s take a look…

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Growing Up Normal Wasn’t So Bad

Growing up in the 70s, the family gun storage was my bedroom. There were at least a dozen guns, lots of ammo and several knives. Unlocked and within easy reach. There were several .22s including a semi-auto, three shotguns, a .303, a 30-30, a 7.62mm Mosin-Nagant, a .45 Colt service revolver, a matched pair of .32 revolvers, two .22 revolvers, a diver’s knife, my throwing knife, an antique dagger, and a couple of bayonets. Continue reading

Yes, You Can Pray In School


PopeTrumpI keep seeing these bogus memes on Facebook and elsewhere about how we need to put prayer back in public schools. And now President Trump is pandering to Evangelicals by telling them he’ll do just that. This is strictly a political move since an article in Christianity Today portraying him as unfit seems to have damaged his support among true believers.
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Killing Kids For Fun And Profit


ParklandDontWantToDieSignIs it just me, or do the lives of children not mean as much as they used to? Kids, born and unborn, are dropping like flies for a variety of horrifying reasons. You can’t view any major news outlet without seeing crimes committed against children, sometimes by other children.
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