Tag Archives: terrorism

Breaking The Golden Rule

And here we go again…From CNS News:

“At least nine Christians were murdered by Islamic extremists in Kenya on Dec. 6 because they refused to recite the Islamic Shadada, a Muslim creed, according to International Christian Concern (ICC), a human rights organization based in Washington, D.C.”

It says nothing favorable about humanity’s prospects for survival that there are still people willing to die or to kill for a nebulous concept like religion. Folks, you only have one life to live – the one you’re living right now. And that makes our brief time in this world all the more precious.
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Signal Events

TwinTowersAttackThere are signal events that divide and change our lives. If you live in the south like I do, there is “Before Katrina” and “After Katrina.” We all remember what we were doing and where we were when Katrina made landfall. Millions of lives were irrevocably changed and many were lost. My mother and I were chatting earlier today and spoke about how the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was another such event. My nation was forever transformed on that day.

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