Category Archives: Humanism

What Would You Do?

Once again, America’s most contentious issue raises its ugly head: Abortion. It divides communities and even families against one another. It is, simply put, the most glaring example of what can happen in a free nation when the rights of two people come into conflict. In this case, the rights of a woman and her unborn child.

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Salvation For Sale?

A couple of months ago I grew frustrated with all the “sponsored posts” (ads) on Facebook. I understand they have to have revenue to operate. But it had reached a point where about every fourth post was an ad (this being with the app on my phone). And so I set out to see if there was anything I could do about it. Continue reading

Is My Meme Mean?

GodMightyNotI never know why or when I’ll suddenly be “inspired” to write a blog post. It’s more for my own benefit that anything else – I’m not exactly an online celebrity. In this case I had posted a rather testy meme on Facebook because I was (and remain) so weary of all the inane “God memes” people are posting right now. This always gets worse in times of crisis. With covid-19 raging around the world, FB has become flooded with memes about how “God is in control” and “God is mighty” and so on and so forth. So I posted a larger version of the image on the left. Took all of about 10 minutes to create it with And what’s obvious is that all these pro-God memes are not statements of faith. They are instead an obvious attempt by frightened people to convince themselves that their god is there for them. And I remain convinced that He is not.

Breaking The Golden Rule

And here we go again…From CNS News:

“At least nine Christians were murdered by Islamic extremists in Kenya on Dec. 6 because they refused to recite the Islamic Shadada, a Muslim creed, according to International Christian Concern (ICC), a human rights organization based in Washington, D.C.”

It says nothing favorable about humanity’s prospects for survival that there are still people willing to die or to kill for a nebulous concept like religion. Folks, you only have one life to live – the one you’re living right now. And that makes our brief time in this world all the more precious.
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