Boys Will Be Boys…Until They’re Not


Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions; sex.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

I am amazed at the absurdities I’m seeing from both the Left and the Right. How did humanity get to a point in which gender is a matter of preference? I recently saw a video in which a woman (a real one, I think) claimed that it was wrong to refer to a pregnant woman as a “mother.” Her reasoning, if you can call it that, is that this individual might decide to identify as male, even while pregnant. As such he / she / it should be referred to as a “pregnant person.”

Given that line of reasoning, a male could also menstruate, breast feed, etc. All in the name of… what? Sexual freedom? Freedom of choice? What the absolute fuck is going on?

I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: If you were born with a penis, you’re male. If you were born with a vagina, you’re female. If you were born with both, you’re a hermaphrodite and your life is likely complicated through no fault of your own. It doesn’t matter what surgeries you have. It doesn’t matter what hormone treatments you have. You can’t change your chromosomes. You are what you are, so be an adult and play the hand you were dealt.

And before you call me a gay-basher, I have zero issues with homosexuals. Who you love, who you sleep with, who you marry… that’s not my concern as long as it’s all consensual. But sexual orientation has become politicized and that’s a shame. How is it that our bedrooms have become a political football? Why should anyone care? Yes, I know that the Abrahamic religions consider homosexuality to be an “abomination.” But that does not give Christians / Jews / Muslims the right to try to pass laws that violate the human rights of gays. Let’s instead pass laws to amend the Constitution and prohibit the passage of any law that puts religion above human rights. Fuck religion. Not just yours. All religions.

All that said, where is all this weirdness coming from? Males, regardless of how they self-identify, have no business in a women’s restroom or locker room. Men who have “transitioned” to female have no business playing women’s sports. The proof is plain to see. Women by and large cannot compete against biological males. Even those who disagree know I’m right about this. It’s patently obvious.

And remember the good old days when it was Democrats fighting so hard for women’s rights? It used to be that we bad old white guys were the root of all evil (admittedly, a smidge of truth in that). But now? Nowadays it’s all about men who want to be women, and women who want to be men. Now Republicans are doing their best to blunt the effects of this insanity and are being demonized for doing so. What the hell is wrong with biological males using the mens’ restroom? Why do these idiot-child leftists feel the need to undo something so obviously correct and proper? What’s the endgame here? Anyone? I have no idea.

Maybe this is just a phase the world is going through. You know, like wide ties and leisure suits. Maybe I’ll wake up one morning and the big news will be that women’s sports are protected, gender reassignment is illegal, and that yeah, we’re back to just two genders. What a wonderful day that would be.

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