Things That Burn My Ass

Happy Holidays Y’all!
It’s November and here we go again. Every time the holiday season rolls around arrogant, uninformed Christians start insisting that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Here and now, fully a week before Thanksgiving, I’m seeing memes on Facebook about “It’s Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays.” They seem to not notice that there are THREE holidays coming up. Can I not wish you happiness for all three? Or am I supposed to itemize a list? WTF do you people expect?!

Take note assholes, Jesus might be your reason for the season, but He’s not the only reason. If that offends you, then you need to grow some thicker skin. And while you’re at it, why don’t you read up about all the stuff you do on Christmas (the tree, mistletoe, etc) that have Pagan origins? Try actually knowing a few things for a change.

Some of my friends are assholes…
I have a lot of religious friends. Christian, Jewish and Muslim. My career carried me all over the USA and a chunk of Canada as well. I met a lot of people. As an Atheist for most of my life I occasionally have to remind one of them to not proselytize to me. I have no patience for it. But I’m always polite (as long as they don’t get pushy). But some of my Atheist friends just get downright snotty with theists. They want to say that religious faith is a mental condition, or they just denigrate them with schoolyard language and name-calling. And then they claim they’re all logical and reasonable. No. Not when they’re behaving like some grade school bully with an IQ smaller than their hat size. I expect more and better from my peers (and usually get it TBH). If you cannot disagree with some civility, then we can’t be friends.

Yes, it’s binary…
I am sick of all the nonsense about gender, pronouns and anything to do with transsexuals. If you were born with a penis, you’re male. If you were born with a vagina, you’re female. If you were born with both then you’re a hermaphrodite and your life is probably complicated through no fault of your own. If you’re a guy and had hormone treatments to look female, you’re just a guy with tits. You are not a woman. Oh and by the way, you don’t belong in women’s sports and keep your sick ass out of the ladies locker room. Male pronouns are he / him. Female pronouns are she/her. Period. There is no such thing as “gender fluid.” Unless you’re a hermaphrodite, you’re one gender or the other. You don’t get to choose your pronouns with me. I will refer to you as I see you and I don’t give a rat’s arse what you think about it. If you don’t want to be treated like a freak, then don’t be one.

And how does sexuality end up being such a monster topic? I don’t care if you’re gay, straight or somewhere in-between. You be you and I’ll be me. But some folks want to have parades about their sexuality. Others want to hide theirs. Some of us don’t care. As long as you’re not hurting anyone, your sexuality is your business. Enjoy it and find fulfillment with it. But for Pete’s sake please stop dressing so weird for your parades, OK?

Not my job…
Few things aggravate me me more than having to use self-checkout. I don’t work at the grocery store or Walmart. I don’t know the codes for a bag of ice or whatever. At my local Kroger store, there are six or eight checkout lanes but it’s rare to see more than one or two open. People end up backed up into the aisles waiting to check themselves out. Ya know what? I don’t wish to check myself out, and I’m a paying customer. Hire some cashiers people. It’s not my job to bag groceries. It’s yours.

Whose side are you on?!
And oh boy look at all these idiots cheering for Hamas as they again wage war against Israel. They love to say Israel is an apartheid state. Try explaining that to the 2 million Arabs who live freely in Israel. They’re in danger from Hamas, too. And consider all those non-Muslim protestors here and in Europe. Think about how many of them are likely gay (which is fine in Europe or the US). They’re campaigning for Hamas but Hamas would kill them if they showed up in Gaza. Are they blinded by propaganda? Do they not realize that there has never been an Arab nation called Palestine until 1947?

And finally…
There is no such thing as toxic masculinity. This is a myth perpetuated by those on the left side of the social-political spectrum who are afraid of or “offended” by strong, self-reliant men. They don’t like men who run their households or act and think independently. The political left doesn’t want wolves. They want sheep. Well, ‘scuse me whilst I go howl at the fucking moon.

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